Mabel Robinson famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I have a dog and sometimes I'll be the littlest kid with my dog and marvel at his ears and his nose and how he looks at me. If he died, I'd bawl like a baby.

  • I think 'Tap Dogs' has lasted so long because people have a natural interest in tap dancing. This form of dancing can't be dated, it's such an intriguing form of dance because the feet are also an an instrument.

  • [I]n communism, you'd threaten a dog into compliance, while in capitalism, obedience is obtained through bribes.

  • Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another.

  • The swine who stole my dog doesn't realize what he did to me!

  • I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic.

  • Painting seems an old man's business. After a certain time you're out of it, and you just paint masterpieces.

  • To mention only contemporaries, Delacroix, Corot, Millet, Rousseau, Courbet are masters. And finally [I like] all those [painters] who loved and had a strong feeling for nature.

  • It is a very difficult job, being the servant of two masters.

  • I want to be a tuneswept fiddle string that feels the master melody, and snaps...