Edouard Glissant famous quotes


  • There’s no such religious force in the West as powerful as consumerism.

  • The "October Revolution" is a myth generated by the winners, the Bolsheviks, and swallowed whole by progressive circles in the West.

  • There's enough of a willingness in the West to do sympathetic movies about Arab roles.

  • Yonder cloud That rises upward always higher, And onward drags a laboring breast, And topples round the dreary west, A looming bastion fringed with fire.

  • Most of my projects seem to start as exploratory journeys with no visible end in sight.

  • I developed some unique software to public it on the web that I call the Folklore Project.

  • I'd already started directing short films when we were doing 'Lord of the Rings,' then videogame projects.

  • Never treat somebody’s cleverness as his life’s smartness. Cleverness is to hide the weakness and the smartness is to project the strength of his weakness.

  • I do take lots of time off between projects, but when the right thing comes along, I don't like to turn it down, I've been doing this for a decade, and I remember what it was like when I started. You spend maybe five percent of your time actually doing it, and the rest of the time, you're trying to get that five percent.

  • Probably some of the projects I chose to do after that had more to do with what people thought of me. The industry was very open and probably hoping that I could do anything.