Thom Filicia famous quotes


  • What a dull world if we knew all about geese!

  • The dull flat falsehood serves for policy, and in the cunning, truth's itself a lie.

  • I picture heaven as a vast library, with unlimited volumes to read. And paintings and statues to examine galore. I picture it as a great doorway to learning...rather than one great dull answer to all our questions

  • Very nice couplet, although there are dull stretches.

  • There is scarcely any popular tenet more erroneous than that which holds that when time is slow, life is dull.

  • Of course, personally, I think it'd be tacky to wear diamonds before I'm forty.

  • I'm boring. My beliefs are neither here nor there.

  • It would be terribly boring to be earnest.

  • To apologize for what you most wanted to do, to concede that it was obnoxious, boring, 'vulgar and unsafe' --- that was the worst thing.

  • Most artists look for something fresh to paint; frankly I find that quite boring. For me it is much more exciting to find fresh meaning in something familiar.