Samuel Noah Kramer famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The teachings of elegant sayings Should be collected when one can. For the supreme gift of words of wisdom, Any price will be paid.

  • Human beings cannot be willed and molded into non-existence.

  • Eventually we will all understand that all wisdom is within us, and as we remember, practice and access this wisdom, we will become our own best teacher.

  • Do you know at this very moment you are surrounded by eternity? And do you know that you can use that eternity if you so desire?

  • Parliaments have stopped laughing at woman suffrage, and politicians have begun to dodge! It is the inevitable premonition of coming victory.

  • When I have heard him talking to Papa during the sittings for the picture, I have sat wondering whether it could be that he has no belief in anybody else, because he has no belief in himself.

  • The good things that happen to us were meant to happen, and the bad things that happen are lessons meant to teach us to be better.

  • Where I am ignorant, Lord, teach me. Where I am wrong, Lord, correct me. Where I am right, Lord, confirm me.

  • What Conscience dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do; This teach me more than Hell to shun, That more than Heav'n pursue.

  • Cause there's nothing, there's nothing you can teach me That I can't learn from Mr. Hathaway.

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