Koji Nakanishi famous quotes


  • Human life and objects and trees vibrate with mysterious meanings, which can be deciphered like cuneiform writing. There exists a meaning, hidden from day to day, but accessible in moments of greatest attentiveness, in those moments when consciousness loves the world.

  • It is no use painting the foot of the tree white, the strength of the bark cries out from beneath the paint.

  • A good book is fruitful of other books; it perpetuates its fame from age to age, and makes eras in the lives of its readers.

  • I am fascinated by history and particularly the Victorian era.

  • We stand now at the turning point between two eras. Behind us is a past to which we can never return ...

  • Every period ruled by mystics was an era of stagnation and want, when most men were on strike against existence,

  • Before one can walk as Christ walked, and talk as He talked, he must first begin to think as Christ thought.

  • From the time I read my first Hemingway work, The Sun Also Rises, as a student at Soldan High School in St. Louis, I was struck with an affliction common to my generation: Hemingway Awe.

  • I don't feel like I'm out of my element or anything like that. I'm very comfortable where I'm at. I enjoy being in this position, and actually it feels like I haven't really been away from it. I feel very comfortable out there from the first tee onwards.

  • That's already been tried before only means the first attempt got it wrong.