Alvaro Siza Vieira famous quotes


  • I'm always looking for challenges.

  • There is a self-love solution for every challenge.

  • Young people often serve as scapegoats for the challenges communities face. At the same time, they are routinely pushed away from connecting to their communities as serious problem-solvers capable of changing the world.

  • There are a lot of things not going well for Microsoft right now - Microsoft reorganization appears to be rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.

  • Innovations to which we are not committed are illuminating things.

  • If we can embrace the adventure and risk and equip our churches to lay down their lives and abandon their inherent loss-aversion, who knows what innovation, what freshness, what new insights from the Spirit will emerge.

  • Young players expose themselves to grave risks when they blindly imitate the innovations of masters without themselves first checking all the details and consequences of these innovations.

  • One cannot make architecture without studying the condition of life in the city

  • I am but an architectural composer.

  • Architecture is not merely national but clearly has local ties in that it is rooted in the earth.