Old Tom Morris famous quotes


  • I just picked up golf, it was good, give me a chance to play golf.

  • I never stepped foot into a Brooks Brothers before Mad Men.

  • What are you doing?" "I'm going to enjoy a long overdue make-out session with my girl. That's what I'm doing." I explained, stepping into the room and closing the door behind me with one shove of my foot.

  • Wild Eyes was built for speed and I was flying down walls of water twenty and thirty feet high.

  • an optimist is the man who looks after your eyes, and the pessimist the person who looks after your feet.

  • Where there is a will there is a lawsuit.

  • At the age of three my grand aunt proclaimed her independence by categorically refusing to have her feet bound, resolutely tearing off the bandages as fast as they were applied.

  • To her- Hand in hand we come Christopher Robin and I To lay this book in your lap. Say you're surprised? Say you like it? Say it's just what you wanted? Because it's yours- because we love you.

  • The mighty edifice of Government science dominated the scene in the middle of the 20th century as a Gothic cathedral dominated a 13th century landscape. The work of many hands over many years, it universally inspired admiration, wonder and fear.

  • I've had my run in with trouble. Fortunately, you know, one slap on the hand is usually the last time for me... I learned my lesson.