Howard Schmidt famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • My mom's a psychologist, and I think that has influenced me on a personal level. Plus, I'm just generally interested in visualization and humanity, social activity and technology, and what happens in aggregate.

  • If we exchange one dollar, we both have one dollar each. But if we exchange one good thought, we both have two good thoughts

  • It's harder than you might think to squander millions of dollars, but a flawed software development process is a tool well suited to the job.

  • Evidence of defendants lavish lifestyles is often used to provide a motive for fraud. Jurors sometimes wonder why an executive making tens of millions of dollars would cheat to make even more. Evidence of habitual gluttony helps provide the answer.

  • If had a penny for every strange look I've gotten from strangers on the street I'd have about 10 to 15 dollars, which is a lot when you're dealing with pennies.

  • I don't like being out in public too much. I don't like going to bars. I don't like doing celebrity stuff.

  • The British feel of blues has been hard, rather than emotional. Far too much emphasis on 12 bar, too little attention to words, far too little originality.

  • Although I am good at enumerating my father’s flaws, it’s hard for me to sustain much anger at him. I expect this is partly because he’s dead, and partly because the bar is lower for fathers than it is for mothers.

  • I don't hang out at trendy Hollywood bars.

  • When Pleasure is at the bar the jury is not impartial.