Roberto Matta famous quotes


  • The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment.

  • Attention, if sudden and close, graduates into surprise; and this into astonishment; and this into stupefied amazement.

  • Someone once wrote that a novel should deliver a series of small astonishments. I get the same thing spending an hour with you.

  • Explanation separates us from astonishment, which is the only gateway to the incomprehensible.

  • Each individual fact, taken by itself, can indeed arouse our curiosity or our astonishment, or be useful to us in its practical applications.

  • I don't know about you, but I practice a disorganized religion. I belong to an unholy disorder. We call ourselves "Our Lady of the Perpetual Astonishment

  • Science is founded on uncertainty. Each time we learn something new and surprising, the astonishment comes with the realization that we were wrong before.

  • In extraordinary events ignorance of their causes produces astonishment.

  • The politics of surprise leads through the Gates of Astonishment into the Kingdom of Hope.

  • The knights of the theater represented to me not only the pinnacle of the profession but the esteem in which the profession was held. To find myself, to my astonishment, in that company is the grandest thing that has professionally happened to me.