Frank Brady famous quotes


  • One thing I've learned, in the face of all kinds of indignities, domestic workers take so much pride in their work and love the children they care for.

  • Rather an end in horror, than horror without end. He could not condemn principles he might need to invoke and apply later. The wolf cannot help having been created by God as he is, but we shoot him all the same if we have to. The great player in diplomacy, as in chess, asks the question,Does this improve me?, not look at the possible fringe benefits If you can't have what you like, you must like what you have.

  • I'm not a good guitar player.

  • I'm a bass player from way back and Paul is a guitar player and we've been in many bands.

  • I can't be a hypocrite as a coach because as a player that's what I wanted. I wanted feedback, I wanted communication from the boss. I showed up for work, you can yell at me if you want, but I want input. So that's the kind of coach I want to be.

  • Assistant coaches become a little bit more buddies to the players than a head coach.

  • Ideas may drift into other minds, but they do not drift my way. I have to go and fetch them. I know no work manual or mental to equal the appalling heart-breaking anguish of fetching an idea from nowhere.

  • You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation.

  • You have your identity when you find out, not what you can keep your mind ON, but what you can't keep your mind OFF.

  • A good roast of sun, it slows you, lets you relax–and out here if there's anything wrong, you can see it coming with bags of time to do what's next. This is the place and the weather for peace, for the cultivation of a friendly mind.