Robert Willner famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • There is no such thing as recreational drug use.

  • I ask of cinema what most North Americans ask of psychedelic drugs.

  • There grows No herb of help to heal a coward heart.

  • There are no incurable diseases — only the lack of will. There are no worthless herbs — only the lack of knowledge.

  • he signed his work .. you could always tell when it was Herb Ellis playing

  • Time is an herb that cures all Diseases.

  • Much Virtue in Herbs, little in Men.

  • Herb is the unification of mankind.

  • You are what you eat." Nothing else. Never. If you are nourished with cow's milk and later with herbs, you'll become someone whose whole life is good only for being exploited by others.

  • As great a store Have we of books as bees of herbs or more.