Charlie Gonzalez famous quotes


  • People ask me, How would you do as a contestant on the show? And I tell them I would do fairly well among senior citizens, but against a good thirty-year-old I would have trouble because I cannot recall information as quickly as I used to. You used to say something and I would go, boom, right away, very sharp. Now it's like, Oh, yes, but wait a minute, uh, uh...

  • The only reason I got into broadcasting was, I needed money to pay for my junior and senior years at college, and they hired me, those fools!

  • I hasten to say to snobs from the Surrey pine-and-sand country that no invention since the corn plaster or the electric toothbrush has brought greater balm to the extremities of the senior golfer than the golfmobile, a word that will have to do for want of a better.

  • Kat picked up a folder labeled Senior. "What are these? Bank records?" She did a double take, looking at Hale. "Did your dad really pay two million dollars to the campaign to elect Ross Perot?" "I..." Hale said, stumbling for words and thumbing through another file. "Wow. I guess my cousin Charlotte isn't really my cousin." "Don't worry," Kat said. "It looks like there might be a kid in Queens who is.

  • We're seniors." "I know," I said "So aren't you... curious?" "About what?" "About life. Out there. Life!" she said again. "Tell me, Cameron Ann Morgan, what do you want to be when you grow up?" We'd reached another door, and I stopped and looked up at the camera that monitored the entrance, just as I whispered, "Alive.

  • I don't have much interest in being on a senior tour. I don't think I retired so that I could be on tour.

  • the apathy and inattention of the average citizen is beyond comprehension.

  • The real struggle for us is for the citizen to cease to be the property of the state.

  • I had only been a citizen for two weeks when I received a summons to appear for jury duty!

  • I'm not an athiest. How can you not believe in something that doesn't exist? That's way too convoluted for me.

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