Lou Piniella famous quotes


  • I have realized that I hate going to the premieres of the movies that I'm in. Because I feel this tension after the movie is over that everyone feels obligated to say something nice to you. It's so unnatural and uncomfortable.

  • All great roads are paved with uncomfortable memories.

  • Fashion is always uncomfortable. When you get comfortable, you never get the look.

  • Don't be afraid to go for positions, jobs or take on clients just outside of your knowledge base. It's when you're uncomfortable that you learn and grow the most.

  • Acting is an uncomfortable business because you have to make yourself vulnerable.

  • I find a fence a very uncomfortable place to squat my bottom.

  • Do the uncomfortable. Become comfortable with these acts. Prove to yourself that your limiting beliefs die a quick death if you will simply do what you feel uncomfortable doing.

  • It makes me uncomfortable to talk about meanings and things. It's better not to know so much about what things mean. Because the meaning, it's a very personal thing, and the meaning for me is different than the meaning for somebody else.

  • I felt uncomfortable calling myself a writer until I started with 'The New Yorker,' and then I was like, 'Okay, now you can call yourself that.

  • I'm often uncomfortable with girliness, to be honest.

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