William Chalmers Burns famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Because I liked you better Than suits a man to say, It irked you, and I promised I'd throw the thought away. To put the world between us We parted stiff and dry: 'Farewell,' said you, 'forget me.' 'Fare well, I will,' said I. If e'er, where clover whitens The dead man's knoll, you pass, And no tall flower to meet you Starts in the trefoiled grass, Halt by the headstone shading The heart you have not stirred, And say the lad that loved you Was one that kept his word.

  • But men at whiles are sober And think by fits and starts. And if they think, they fasten Their hands upon their hearts

  • Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies, But keep your fancy free.

  • With rue my heart is laden For golden friends I had, For many a rose-lipped maiden And many a lightfoot lad.

  • To truly find God, truth needs to be found independently from the opinions of others. The truth has to be found in our hearts.

  • ...all his longings came out as a kind of disdain for what he longed for.

  • Never cut loose from your longings.

  • People now are beginning to cheer for me. I've never heard that before. .. Maybe things are turning a bit.

  • The more I heard that I couldn't make it, the more I was determined to do it. I never liked being told that I'm not good enough to do this or that.

  • My lectures are published and not published; they will be intelligible to those who heard them, and to none beside.