Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury famous quotes


  • By reason of his elegance, he resembles an image painted in a palace, though he is as majestic as the palace itself.

  • I don't like being on a horse. That's the only negative of doing a Western. I like the whole get up, and I look great in a hat. But I get tense around horses. So, if they could make a fake horse, then I'd do a Western.

  • I've lost a million and a half on the horses and dice in the last two years. And the funny part is, I still like 'em, and if someone handed me another million I'd put it right in the nose of some horse that looked good to me.

  • If Americans want to see results instead of rhetoric, if taxpayers would like solutions instead of sound bites, and hard work instead of horse trading, I suggest you take a short look, and it won't take much longer, at the accomplishments of this Congress.

  • You either get the point of Africa or you don't. What draws me back year after year is that it's like seeing the world with the lid off.

  • Aggressive Christianity is the world's greatest need.

  • And how am I to face the odds Of man's bedevilment and God's? I, a stranger and afraid In a world I never made.

  • I thought religion would make me live with my head in the clouds, but as often as not, it grounds me in this world.

  • There are old riders and bold riders, but no old bold riders.

  • I have seen many lean riders in the peloton, but very few Tour winners