Sam Rutigliano famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • It's named the Lombardi Trophy for a reason, because we play and live in Titledown. We've got the best fans, and I can't wait to go home and see those fans and bring home the Lombardi Trophy.

  • Basketball is my favorite sport, and I'm also a very passionate football fan.

  • At 15, 16, you think you're going to be captain of England. But I realised it wasn't going to happen for me on a windy November night in Darlington, coming to my peak at the age of 23 but still playing for Mansfield Town.

  • Talking to Yogi Berra about baseball is like talking to Homer about the Gods.

  • There are three things in my life which I really love: God, my family, and baseball. The only problem - once baseball season starts, I change the order around a bit.

  • She turned to the sunlight     And shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbor:     "Winter is dead.

  • The Arab Spring I think we will look back whether it's two years, five years, ten or fifteen. And say it's a good thing.

  • There are going to be a lot of questions, not just in my country but across the Middle East: Is Israel going to continue to be 'Fortress Israel' — or, as we all hope, become accepted into the neighborhood? Which I believe is the only way we can move forward in harmony. And no matter what's happening in the Middle East — the Arab Spring, et cetera, the economic challenges, high rates of unemployment — the emotional, critical issue is always the Israeli-Palestinian one.

  • I drink from a small spring, / my thirst excedes the ocean.

  • Your days are short here; this is the last of your springs. And now in the serenity and quiet of this lovely place, touch the depths of truth, feel the hem of Heaven. You will go away with old, good friends. And don't forget when you leave why you came.

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