James Worthy famous quotes


  • If a Coach is determined to stay in the coaching profession, he will develop from year to year. This much is true, no coach has a monopoly on the knowledge of basketball. There are no secrets in the game. The only secrets, if there are any, are good teaching of sound fundamentals, intelligent handling of men, a sound system of play, and the ability to instill in the boys a desire to win.

  • One reason outfielders don't have stronger arms might be they don't practice as much as we did. Most teams today don't take outfield practice. Another reason is baseball has to compete with other sports now - basketball, football, soccer - for the better athletes that might have more skills and stronger arms.

  • I don't discuss basketball. I dictate basketball. I'm not interested in philosophy classes.

  • I'm so blessed to have such enlightened parents. It must have been very hard to watch their able-bodied son lock himself up in his old room for most of his 20s.

  • No blade can puncture the human heart like the well-chosen words of a spiteful son.

  • I say things, like every other parent, that reminds you of your own parents. One thing I do know about being a parent, you understand why your father was in a bad mood a lot.

  • All possible means were used by the infatuated parents to conclude the bargain; and deception put an end to these usual artifices.

  • Try lighting your house by prayer instead of electricity and see which one works.

  • Beginning with the first bite, and for every bite after, that try to chew ten times.

  • I try to be as courteous as possible and sometimes try to tell my fans that as much as I appreciate their support, there are times where I need to be able to have an uninterrupted dinner or not have to take a bunch of pictures or just be able to do some of the normal things.

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