John Wesley Snyder famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I never really thought of myself as being an action hero or a leading man, or any of that. I'm a character actor.

  • I'm a character actor.

  • Always time to dream, so keep on dreaming!

  • To pray is to dream in league with God, to envision His holy visions.

  • Vision, the hallmark of leadership, is less a derivative of spreadsheets and more a product of the mind called imagination.

  • Geniuses come in many shapes and colors, and they often run in packs. If you can find one, it may lead you to others. Collaborate with geniuses. Send them your spells. Look carefully at theirs. What could you do together? Combination is creation.

  • Government should be a place where people can come together, and no one gets left behind. No one…gets left behind. An instrument of good.

  • I'm always going to be making costumes. It's one of the ways I relax my brain. In addition to the pleasure of having the piece, there is a deep and abiding pleasure for me assembling something in my head - learning to know something in its totality in my head, and then putting together all the constituent parts into a cohesive whole.

  • We see with what keenness and zeal the frivolous business of Freemasons is conducted, by persons knit together by the secrecy of their union.

  • I've got some news... I'm delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together. I wanted you to hear the news direct from me, obviously we're over the moon.

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