Lance Mitchell famous quotes


  • Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.

  • Our lives are filled with meeting wonderful people. Make sure those that have become a part of your life hear your words of appreciation.

  • Communication is an offering. When you tell someone your truth, you must release your expectation of what the other person should do with it. They may thank you profusely, love you forever, argue with you, or ignore you. It doesn't matter. Of course we hope the gift will be received with appreciation and thanks. But if it isn't we must not dictate. We've done our part, and we must trust the universe to do the rest.

  • When someone comes along who genuinely thanks us, we will follow that person a very long way.

  • What I try to do is to appreciate every job I have while I'm working on it.

  • Please also remember the pitiful gasping/thirsty little mouths/ beaks in summer. They'll appreciate abundant/fresh/cool/clean/ water! Food they can get easily in parks/sidewalks!

  • There is something frightful in being required to enjoy and appreciate all masterpieces; to read with equal relish Milton, and Dante, and Calderon, and Goethe, and Homer, and Scott, and Voltaire, and Wordsworth, and Cervantes, and Molière, and Swift.

  • My main concern is if this composer has been made aware of the fact that I've come clean in all of my cases. I killed in pure hate, robbing along the way. So if this person hasn't, then I'd sure appreciate it if someone would inform him or her of it.

  • The valid point or a valuable contribution of a deserving person has not been truly appreciated if he is respected equally with those people who only desire but don’t actually deserve to be applauded.

  • My ideal Valentine's Day is spending it with someone you are in love with and for that someone to make you feel loved and appreciated.

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