Francis Cornford famous quotes


  • Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really.

  • Here's my pet peeve: The not-so-unstated rule that all women are only to be treated as sexual objects and gawked at-you know, sitting up against a car, washing something, bending over, licking something. That just drives me crazy.

  • Humans should always exercise and watch what they eat. So with your pet, make sure they get enough exercise, make sure they're getting fed at the same time every day and getting the nutrition they need. And make sure they get a lot of love and attention you both need. That's why you have them!

  • He is very fond of me, almost too fond. I could do with less caressing and more rationality. I should like to be less of a pet and more of a friend, if I might choose; but I won't complain of that: I am only afraid his affection loses in depth where it gains in ardour. I sometimes liken it to a fire of dry twigs and branches compared with one of solid coal, very bright and hot; but if it should burn itself out and leave nothing but ashes behind.

  • A road need not be paved in gold to find treasures at its end.

  • Make your world extraordinary! Step out into this world with confidence and treasure yourself.

  • LANGUAGE, n. The music with which we charm the serpents guarding another's treasure.

  • I think Shakespeare is everybody's treasure.

  • Finding an old friend is like finding a lost treasure.

  • Criticism is properly the rod of divination: a hazel switch for the discovery of buried treasure, not a birch twig for the castigation of offenders.