Fred Nicole famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • We can't fight and beg from those we fight at the same time.

  • A loud noise will get your fight-or-flight response going. This, over the years, can cause real cardiovascular damage.

  • We go fish, we also catch fighting fish, looking for birds and it was for kampong people, the paddy field was our the play field for the children.

  • You must never tire fighting Satan.

  • If you don't have sex and you don't do drugs, your rock 'n' roll better be awfully good.

  • Random political acts produce random political results. Why waste even a rock?

  • I rush to add that I find the Web infinitely useful for rustling up information, settling arguments or locating the legends of rock stars.

  • We are not all connected. We are bags of skin. We are all separate bags of thinking skin.

  • I find that the sensation of myself as an ego inside a bag of skin is really a hallucination.

  • I prefer using cream-based products on my skin. I love having that summery dewy skin - I like using cream blushers as well.

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