Azai Nagamasa famous quotes


  • We will win the battle for Africa, which is in effect a battle for Humanity.

  • The women has her own battlefield with every child she brings into the world she fights a battle for the nation

  • Dunkirk has fallen... with it has ended the greatest battle of world history. Soldiers! My confidence in you knew no bounds. You have not disappointed me.

  • The battle against terrorism is not only a military fight but primarily a battle of information.

  • Mithridates, he died old. Housman's passage is based on the belief of the ancients that Mithridates the Great [c. 135-63 B.C.] had so saturated his body with poisons that none could injure him. When captured by the Romans he tried in vain to poison himself, then ordered a Gallic mercenary to kill him.

  • I'm boring. My beliefs are neither here nor there.

  • Theism is so confused and the sentences in which "God" appears so incoherent and so incapable of verifiability or falsifiability that to speak of belief or unbelief, faith or unfaith, is logically impossible.

  • Consensus is what many people say in chorus but do not believe as individuals.

  • I'm a huge horror movie fan. Beyond belief.

  • It is easier for a libertarian to attack the science of global warming than to alter one's core libertarian beliefs.