Jon David Erickson famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • It is often wonderful how putting down on paper a clear statement of a case helps one to see, not perhaps the way out, but the way in.

  • If you know somebody is going to be awfully annoyed by something you write, that's obviously very satisfying, and if they howl with rage or cry, that's honey.

  • Most people's major life changes don't come from reading an article in the newspaper; they come from reading longer-form essays or thoughtful books, which are much more convincing and detailed.

  • If one is to be called a liar, one may as well make an effort to deserve the name.

  • Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.

  • Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose, But young men think it is, and we were young.

  • Life is just a chance to grow a soul.

  • A human lifespan is less than a thousand months long. You need to make some time to think how to live it.

  • Have a determination that is strong enough to move walls.

  • So we want an Islamic state where Islamic law is not just in the books but enforced, and enforced with determination. There is no space and no room for democratic consultation. The Shariah is set and fixed, so why do we need to discuss it anymore? Just implement it!