David J. C. MacKay famous quotes


  • I still don't think like that. Because of Benazir, nobody else [in her party] was thinking about leadership. This position comes about only because of the vacuum that was created with her death.

  • So, my fellow Christians, protest this film if you like, but then how about devoting some energy to fill the vacuum created by your retreat from popular culture.

  • It sounded like a very loud vacuum cleaner behind us.

  • Loud speech, profusion of words, and possessing skillfulness in expounding scriptures are merely for the enjoyment of the learned. They do not lead to liberation.

  • My feelings of disgust had been so loud within me, they’d nearly drowned out everything else.

  • I like everything loud, over the top, dramatic.

  • I had a good loud voice and I wasn't afraid to be goofy or zany.

  • I was a little shocked at how adult some of the humor was, because I was never that into animation before and when I watched 'Shrek' I really laughed out loud.

  • As if it were our very birthright, which we could not come to grasp the meaning of until this time of middle life when we looked on only as many years ahead as already lay behind us.

  • One comes, and one goes. Basically, what you leave behind is the record.