Margaret Levi famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Let never man be bold enough to say, Thus, and no farther shall my passion stray: The first crime, past, compels us into more, And guilt grows fate, that was but choice, before.

  • Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny.

  • Creating something new is easy, creating something that lasts is the challenge.

  • During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

  • The choice to 'do nothing' in response to the mounting evidence is actually a choice to continue and even accelerate the reckless environmental destruction that is creating the catastrophe at hand.

  • I don't know how long a child will remain utterly static in front of the television, but my guess is that it could be well into their thirties.

  • Krishnamacharya's personal practice was always with long deep breathing and mental focus. Observe the position of his head, the lower abdomen and his mental focus. He was always concentrated on the inner alignment through breath.

  • People should be left to believe what they like, so long as they harm no one else. Apart from normal expectations of politeness, it is not however clear why people should require their personal beliefs to be treated with special sensitivity by others, to the point that if others fail to tip-toe respectfully around them they will start throwing bombs.

  • A human lifespan is less than a thousand months long. You need to make some time to think how to live it.

  • It's hard to say what I want my legacy to be when I'm long gone.

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