Rosie Fellner famous quotes


  • Please pray with me for everyone in Sri Lanka and the Philippines as I begin my trip.

  • Space is about 100 kilometers away. That’s far away—I wouldn’t want to climb a ladder to get there—but it isn’t that far away. If you’re in Sacramento, Seattle, Canberra, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Phnom Penh, Cairo, Beijing, central Japan, central Sri Lanka, or Portland, space is closer than the sea.

  • Animals keep you company when you're really lonely. It helps because when you have a friend around who always likes you no matter what - it's harder to feel bad or down.

  • I think Woody Allen is Woody Allen, and no matter where he goes he still makes his Woody Allen films.

  • No matter what happens, you can get through this day. Inhale. Focus on the word, 'relax. Exhale. Say, 'I can do this!' And then do it.

  • Next to creating a life the finest thing a man can do is save one.

  • The next day, she was silent. For breakfast, she murdered an onion and served it raw.

  • Since fame is an illusion and death is in our future all we have is the next moment before we are swallowed into oblivion.

  • The next generation product almost never comes from the previous generation.

  • There is a kind of a cascading chain, ... If one can't sell, then that business doesn't buy and that means the next business doesn't sell, and the previous business doesn't sell, and so on.