Cullen Murphy famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Courage is poorly housed that dwells in numbers; the lion never counts the herd that are about him, nor weighs how many flocks he has to scatter.

  • You're going to fall down, but the world doesn't care how many times you fall down, as long as it's one fewer than the numbers of times you get back up.

  • Soul brother number 1+1 Gettin' fed like where drugs and guns come from

  • Historic changes and challenges. Breakthroughs in human knowledge and opportunity. And yet, for vast numbers across the globe, the daily realities have not altered.

  • A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.

  • Life is more important than 'what film I do next.

  • The next time you get scared, get sacred!

  • I had two thoughts about it. One was I could do that, and the next one was I'll never get to do that.

  • At a priesthood meeting... the strongest language in regard to Plural Marriage was used that I ever heard, and among other things it was stated that all men in position who would not observe and fulfill that law should be removed from their places.

  • When a monkey nibbles on a weenis, it's funny in any language.