Denis Lavant famous quotes


  • I don't know how long a child will remain utterly static in front of the television, but my guess is that it could be well into their thirties.

  • People should be left to believe what they like, so long as they harm no one else. Apart from normal expectations of politeness, it is not however clear why people should require their personal beliefs to be treated with special sensitivity by others, to the point that if others fail to tip-toe respectfully around them they will start throwing bombs.

  • Autumn can be glorious but menacing too - the long shadows, brisk winds, scurrying leaves, impending frost.

  • We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus!

  • Thanks to the circus between my ears, I can seize upon the smallest disquieting observation and from it extrapolate a terror of cataclysmic proportions.

  • You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns when they all did tricks for you.

  • I would borrow my mom's red Borghese lipstick and smear it on like a clown!

  • I was probably the one who tattled on the class clown. To get in good with the teachers.

  • I hate clowns. I've mentioned that, right?

  • When fighting clowns, always go for the juggler.