Donald Harington famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I used to believe in forever, but forever's too good to be true

  • Hope lies to mortals And most believe her, But man's deceiver Was never mine.

  • You can have whatever you want if you believe in yourself and keep your feet firmly planted in the ground.

  • Rather than making money I believe in making people happy, all other things are secondary. Money isn't important, creative satisfaction is

  • In the past, I used to counter any such notions by asking myself: 'Would you really want President Hattersley?' I now find that possibility rather cheers me up. With his chubby, Dickensian features and his knowledge of T.H. Green and other harmless leftish political classics, Hattersley might not be such a bad thing after all.

  • It is time, therefore, to abandon the superstition that natural science cannot be regarded as logically respectable until philosophers have solved the problem of induction. The problem of induction is, roughly speaking, the problem of finding a way to prove that certain empirical generalizations which are derived from past experience will hold good also in the future.

  • I think the names of colors are at the edge, between where language fails and where it's at its most powerful.

  • Zionism is nothing more, but also nothing less, than the Jewish People's sense of origin and destination in the Land linked eternally with its name. It is also the instrument whereby the Jewish Nation seeks an authentic fulfillment of itself.

  • In many of the things that people do, they themselves are the centre of attention, but they inscribe some other name on their banner.

  • Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor. Born once of flesh, then again of fire, I was reborn a third time to the sound of my name humming haikus in heaven’s mouth.