Paul Sarbanes famous quotes


  • Together, these advocates create a pro-Israeli case so compelling that the idea and reality of Israel has worked itself deep into American culture, politics and foreign policy. Many American Jews refuse to accept it, but the real debate between Israel’s supporters and detractors in America is all but over.

  • I think America right now is looking for somebody who appeals to every faction.

  • We feel strongly that the spirit characteristic of America at its noblest, above all the pursuit of higher learning, cannot admit of any conditions as to personnel other than those designed to promote the objects for which this institution is established, and particularly with no regard whatever to accidents of race, creed, or sex.

  • What hard evidence is there that Obama doesn't want ebola in America?

  • Oft in dreams invention we bestow to change a flounce or add a furbelow.

  • Employers need to recognize that the world has changed and there are people who would like to help them provide solution in ways that are new, modern and that add value to companies.

  • If you don't value what you have, you're sure to lose it.

  • you can't be value free when it comes to marriage

  • The value of a man resides in what he gives

  • As I get older, I realize that the thing I value the most is good-heartednes s.

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