Don Maynard famous quotes


  • Growing up in Georgia, I used to think people up north or out west were so different. They're really not. They're just regular people who live in small towns. They grow up and try to raise families and have a job and go to church and play softball. It's that way everywhere.

  • I'd rather have more heart than talent any day.

  • You can never meet everyone's expectations. It's hard enough to meet your own.

  • To a winner, complacency and overconfidence can be destructive. To losers, desperation and despondency are just as harmful.

  • If my dreams can happen to me, your dreams can happen to you. Champions are not made on the track or field; champions are made by the things you accomplish and the way you use your abilities in everyday life situations.

  • Sport is how poor kids from poor countries pass through the eye of the needle to riches and recognition.

  • We're never as good as we think we are, nor as bad as we think we are.

  • I've always envied the kind of coach who could go completely out of his mind and nobody would know the difference.

  • Gambling in the mark has been the great indoor sport of the capitalists for months, and consequently food has increased by 25 to 100 per cent.

  • When I hear Obama speak he just seems really sincere and he just seems like somebody who actually has his heart and his motivation in the right place. Forget about color or race or gender or whatever, he's got his heart in the right place.

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