Samuel von Pufendorf famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • All my life I've been aware of the Second World War humming in the background. I was born 10 years after it was finished, and without ever seeing it. It formed my generation and the world we lived in. I played Hurricanes and Spitfires in the playground, and war films still form the basis of all my moral philosophy. All the men I've ever got to my feet for or called sir had been in the war.

  • We may not preach a crucified Saviour without being also crucified men and women. It is not enough to wear an ornamental cross as a pretty decoration. The cross that Paul speaks about was burned into his very flesh, was branded into his being, and only the Holy Spirit can burn the true cross into our innermost life.

  • This is our high calling, to represent Christ, and act in His behalf, and in His character and spirit, under all circumstances and toward all men.

  • Ale, man, ale's the stuff to drink for fellows whom it hurts to think.

  • Completion comes when we not just wake up from all form, from all identification, but when love causes us to re-embrace it all.

  • Jealousy, you know, is usually not an affair of causes. It is much more-how shall I say?-fundamental than that. Based on the knowledge that one's love is not returned. And so one goes on waiting, watching, expecting...that the loved one will turn to someone else.

  • I suppose if I'd got a brilliant first and done research I might still be a don today, but I hope not. People become dons because they are incapable of doing anything else in life.

  • Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done.

  • I just want to do what has to be done so much. I'll never understand why everyone else doesn't feel this way.

  • Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then... find the way.