Albert H. Morehead famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Entrepreneurship: 10% coach, 20% player, 30% cheerleader, 40% waterboy.

  • I feel like Josh, Michelle and Adam were all team players, who wanted to be a part of an ensemble.

  • I want to be the best player to ever play this game.

  • All the different nations in the world, despite their differences of appearance and religion and language and way of life, still have one thing in common, and that is what's inside of all of us. If we X-rayed the insides of different human beings, we wouldn't be able to tell from those X-rays what the person's language or background or race is.

  • At some point, a flash of sustained clarity reveals the difference between what someone would have you believe is true, and what you know from the depths of your own heart to the peaks of your soul to be true. What happens after that is up to you.

  • The gods have fled, I know. My sense is the gods have always been essentially absent. I do not believe human beings have played games or sports from the beginning merely to summon or to please or to appease the gods. If anthropologists and historians believe that, it is because they believe whatever they have been able to recover about what humankind told the gods humankind was doing. I believe we have played games, and watched games, to imitate the gods, to become godlike in our worship of eachother and, through those moments of transmutation, to know for an instant what the gods know.

  • The open ocean often takes you past your physical limits and when it does, sailing becomes a mental game.

  • The rule of the game was never assume that anybody, however honorable, would be able to stand up under torture. If Mr. X, who knew where I was, was caught for some reason, I should move.

  • You're a trivial part in a trivia game. Now what's your aim? A presidential campaign? Like Ross Perot? He lost it though... But he got a billion in tha bank fo' sho'!

  • Cincinnati needs to take notes from Houston. Houston fans are among the top five fans in the game.

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