Coleman Sellers II famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Forget the camera, forget the lens, forget all of that. With any four-dollar camera, you can capture the best picture.

  • When you look what is happening in this country with the debt, the deficit, the CBO coming out and saying once again we're going to have a trillion dollar plus deficit in 2012, the fourth straight year, and unemployment may be going back up to 8.9 or maybe nine percent by the end of the year, these are serious situations that are going.

  • Wars--and what is war except crime on a mass scale?--destroy rather than produce. The vandal that destroys a window causes not only the owner to bear the costs of replacing it, but costs those whom he planned on using that money to buy from. The same goes for wars. The warlords--of war and peace--destroyed so much, not only what existed, but all those new things that could have existed, if only individuals were left in peace.

  • LISP programmers know the value of everything and the cost of nothing.

  • It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.

  • Wherever there is great property, there is great inequality.

  • Problems worthy of attacks, prove their worth by hitting back

  • Whatever you tax you get less of.

  • Economies are supposed to serve human ends.. not the other way round. We forget at our peril that markets make a good servant, a bad master and a worse religion.

  • Over the long term, absent of other barriers, economics always win.

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