Adam Foulds famous quotes


  • A little bit of attention and kindness can totally change a whole life, and a lack of that can do the same.

  • I've bought QPP shares but unfortunately both times I bought it they immediately dropped by over 10p. Do you pay much attention to the dealing notes?

  • When you get to my age life seems little more than one long march to and from the lavatory.

  • You smile upon your friend to-day, To-day his ills are over; You hearken to the lover's say, And happy is the lover. 'Tis late to hearken, late to smile, But better late than never: I shall have lived a little while Before I die for ever.

  • Just as modern motorways have no room for ox-carts or wandering pedestrians, so modern society has little place for lives and ways that are too eccentric.

  • I liked the fact she understood how we all have little secret habits that seem normal enough to us, but which we know better than to mention out loud.

  • It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge.

  • Some things are difficult to adapt to.

  • I don't think it's that difficult to administer. I'm sure a sensible solution can be found.

  • Heroism is accessible. Happiness is more difficult.