Wallace Tripp famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Books are the basis; purity is the force; preaching is the essence; utility is the principle.

  • The buying of more books than one can read is nothing less than the soul reaching toward infinity...

  • As life tends to become more and more distracting, let us firmly hold on to books.

  • It comes back to the old question: How can the Bible be so wise in some places and so barbaric in others? And why should we put any faith in a book that includes such brutality?

  • There are moments as a teacher when I'm conscious that I'm trotting out the same exact phrase my professor used with me years ago. It's an eerie feeling, as if my old mentor is not just in the room, but in my shoes, using me as his mouthpiece.

  • I got an attitude, that's rude because I walked over Elvis' grave in some blue suede shoes.

  • When you're pregnant you just want to be comfortable - but I wear more or less the same as I do when I'm not pregnant: pregnancy denim with normal tops and flat shoes. But when the belly starts to really stick out, I'll want the floaty dresses!

  • an optimist is the man who looks after your eyes, and the pessimist the person who looks after your feet.

  • We must in imagination sweep off the drifted matter that clogs the surface of the ground; we must suppose all the covering of moss and heath and wood to be torn away from the sides of the mountains, and the green mantle that lies near their feet to be lifted up; we may then see the muscular integuments, and sinews, and bones of our mother Earth, and so judge of the part played by each of them during those old convulsive movements whereby her limbs were contorted and drawn up into their present posture.

  • At the age of three my grand aunt proclaimed her independence by categorically refusing to have her feet bound, resolutely tearing off the bandages as fast as they were applied.

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