George Earle Buckle famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.

  • It came about as follows: over the years when I was involved in dianetics, I wrote the beginnings of many stories. I would get an idea, and then write the beginning, and then never touch it again.

  • The primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite.

  • When I write I have no loyalty except to historical truth as I see it and care no more about British achievements and mistakes than any other.

  • One of the first signs of a Spirit-filled life is enthusiasm!

  • I take the walk to be the externalization of an interior seeking so that the analogy is first of all between the external and the internal.

  • The teacher that I was for decades, and that I still am in a certain way, wondered what was meant by the word education. I was truly dumbfounded at the very thought of dealing with such an essential and extensive subject.

  • In order to persuade Britain to pack up, to compel her to make peace, it was essential to rob her of her hope of being able still to confront us, on the continent itself, with an adversary of a stature equal to our own.

  • The repossession by women of our bodies will bring far more essential change to human society than the seizing of the means of production by workers.

  • the labors of the true critic are more essential to the author, even, than to the reader.

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