Jack Palance famous quotes


  • Let's begin by taking a smallish nap or two.

  • The spiritual master and Krishna are two parallel lines. The train, on two tracks, moves forward. The spiritual Master and Krishna are like these two tracks. They must be served simultaneously. Krishna helps one to find bona fide Spiritual Master and bona fide Spiritual Master helps one to understand Krishna. If one does not get bona fide Spiritual Master, then how he can ever understand Krishna ? You cannot serve Krishna without Spiritual Master, or serve just Spiritual Master without serving Krishna. They must be served simultaneously.

  • Indo-European peoples and Semitic peoples are today still completely different... Jews almost everywhere form a special society... Muslims (the Semitic spirit is today represented mainly by Islam) and the Europeans stand face to face like two beings of different species, having nothing common in the way of thinking and feeling...

  • Unless the church is equipping believers to embrace the values and vision of the kingdom of God and turn away from the materialism, consumerism, greed, and power of the present age, it not only abandons its biblical mandate, it is rendered missionally ineffective.

  • Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed.

  • While neurological studies have tried to identify components responsible for fear and greed, the impact on finance is less clear.

  • I have to say, 'Gravity' is better in 3-D, even though in 2-D the quality of the picture is better. But the 3-D is better.

  • Gravity is a contributing factor in nearly 73 percent of all accidents involving falling objects.

  • There's almost no gravity at the surface. If you were standing on [the surface], you could jump into orbit.

  • Diving is a leap of faith plus gravity.