Herbert Wilf famous quotes


  • Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity I do not understand it myself any more.

  • The question you raise, 'How can such a formulation lead to computations?' doesn't bother me in the least! Throughout my whole life as a mathematician, the possibility of making explicit, elegant computations has always come out by itself, as a byproduct of a thorough conceptual understanding of what was going on. Thus I never bothered about whether what would come out would be suitable for this or that, but just tried to understand - and it always turned out that understanding was all that mattered.

  • Conservatives have long argued, correctly, that 'fine-tuning' the economy is a chimera, but that argument seems to have disappeared from the conservative handbook.

  • It is annoying that the rules of chess do not allow a pawn to take either horizontally or backwards, but only forwards ... This psychological tuning is ideal for attacking purposes, but what about for defence?

  • The full beauty of the subject of generating functions emerges only from tuning in on both channels: the discrete and the continuous.

  • Like cars, every relationship requires a bit of an occasional service, and fine-tuning should be compulsory.

  • All men are intellectuals, but not all men have in society the function of intellectuals

  • It is the function of women to teach men how to be human.

  • How is it possible for me to be so miserable and embarrassed and humiliated and beaten an function still talk and smile and concentrate?

  • I function better when my back is to the wall.

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