Rajkumar Hirani famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Ten thousand times I've done my best and all's to do again.

  • I don't settle in any other area of my life when it comes to excellence, so why should I lower my standards when it comes to boys?

  • Neither a life of anarchy nor one beneath a despot should you praise; to all that lies in the middle a god has given excellence.

  • The pursuit of perfection is frustrating and a waste of time, because nothing is ever perfect. The pursuit of excellence is commendable and worthwhile. Therefore strive for excellence not perfection.

  • The Dark Side of the Moon has flash - the true flash that comes from the excellence of a superb performance.

  • Reading is the occupation of the insomniac par excellence.

  • What's wrong with creative block? Might it not just be that periods--even extended ones--of productive hiatus are essential mechanisms of gestation designed to help us attain higher standards in our pursuit of creative excellence?

  • Nike has always been a business about excellence and achievement.

  • I want to explore and do things with excellence. I want to write songs that resonate with me and will resonate with a live audience. I'm exploring fresh sounds.

  • If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence.