James Lankford famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • What is human in me is not what is best in me. What is human in me is that I desire, and to obtain what I desire, I believe I would crush anything that stood in my way.

  • I don't know what to say when I have a crush on somebody. I kind of lose my words. I really try to start a conversation, and I can't. It's horrible.

  • In its attempt to crush the Black Panthers, the FBI engineered frequent arrests on the flimsiest of pretexts.

  • There's a very passionate pro-chewing movement on the Internet called Chewdiasm. They say that we should be chewing 50 to 100 times per mouthful, which is insane. I tried that. It takes like a day and a half to eat a sandwich. But their basic idea is right. If you chew, you'll eat slower and you will get more nutrients.

  • When I say things that sound insane, like only the smartest million people should have the right to vote, well, I mean that.

  • The idea of 24-hour news, if you really step back, is pretty insane. Just even saying '24-hour news' almost has satire laced in it.

  • Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit.

  • The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.

  • Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.

  • What has ever threatened our liberty and prosperity save and except this institution of Slavery?

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