Robert Sherrod famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • The American people have no control over what the military does. We have no say in American foreign policy.

  • I believe in compulsory cannibalism. If people were forced to eat what they killed, there would be no more wars.

  • What one can be, one must be!

  • There are a number of places on marine charts where even the most weathered sailors point and say, "Right there, nothing can go wrong. Everything has to go right." One place is the turbulent passage south of Cape Horn. Another is the dead center of the Indian Ocean.

  • Every time a boy falls off a tricycle, every time a black cat has gray kittens, every time someone stubs a toe, every time there's a murder or a fire or the marines land in Nicaragua, the police and the newspapers holler 'get Capone.'

  • I'm a conservative because I believe in peace - real peace, not just the peace of mind. I'm a conservative because we understand that real peace comes from the Marine Corps, not the Peace Corps.

  • Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen volunteer to protect and defend this country and all its citizens, and do so with honor, integrity and excellence. Our nation continually asks them to do more and more, with less and less.

  • Combat is my profession and fighting was a great way to maintain a combat mindset while preparing to lead Marines in war.

  • Is there a chance? A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel? A reason to fight? Is there a chance you may change your mind? Or are we ashes and wine?

  • Sawyer was always the Vincent boy worth fighting for. He's the special one.

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