Charles Tennyson Turner famous quotes


  • The best things said come last. People will talk for hours saying nothing much and then linger at the door with words that come with a rush from the heart.

  • I have always held firmly to the thought that each one of us can do a little to bring some portion of misery to an end.

  • And now...farewell to kindness, humanity and gratitude. I have substituted myself for Providence in rewarding the good; may the God of vengeance now yield me His place to punish the wicked.

  • In my humble opinion, we should now have reached peak oil. So it is high time to close this critical chapter in the history of international oil industry and bid the mighty peak farewell.

  • Keep our marriage alive, and farewell.

  • My idea of the perfect bottom would be nice, bubbly, curvy, firm, maybe a little bit bouncy.

  • You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made.

  • Now an infinite happiness cannot be purchased by any price less than that which is infinite in value; and infinity of merit can only result from a nature that is infinitely divine or perfect

  • So perfect — I’m right where I need to be!

  • When I kicked in the first TV – a nineteen-inch Magnavox with wicker speaker panels – it felt like the most perfect thing I had done in a long time. And there's nothing like the feeling of perfection that will inspire repeated behavior.