Jean Hagen famous quotes


  • According to Krishnamacharya , practice and knowledge must always go together. He used to say, practice without right knowledge of theory is blind. This is also because without right knowledge, one can mindfully do a wrong practice.

  • The business of making a photograph may be said in simple terms to consist of three elements: the objective world (whose permanent condition is change and disorder), the sheet of paper on which the picture will be realized, and the experience which brings them together.

  • Is it an original idea? Or is it something where you're literally a creative collagist? You're taking pieces of the world that you see around you and that are inside of you and put them together in a way that you see fit.

  • People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.

  • After a prosperous, but to me very wearisome, voyage, we came at last into port. Immediately on landing I got together my few effects; and, squeezing myself through the crowd, went into the nearest and humblest inn which first met my gaze.

  • I don't want anything I don't deserve, but if they offer me more money, I'm not stupid.

  • The goal isn't more money. The goal is living life on your terms.

  • It's nonsense to say money doesn't buy happiness, but people exaggerate the extent to which more money can buy more happiness.

  • When the women get the vote, we'll spend more money on the children.

  • The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes.