Leopold II of Belgium famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • He said something was unique: I like to push the limit to how much air we can put in the football, even go over what they allow you to do, and see if the officials take air out of it,

  • If you use Facebook - as I do - Facebook in all likelihood has a unique digital file of your face, one that can be as accurate as a fingerprint and that can be used to identify you in a photo of a large crowd.

  • For every individual is a unique manifestation of the Whole, as every branch is a particular outreaching of the tree. To manifest individuality, every branch must have a sensitive connection with the tree, just as our independently moving and differentiated fingers must have a sensitive connection with the whole body. The point, which can hardly be repeated too often, is that differentiation is not separation.

  • The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is in this sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is the realization by the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all.

  • The Matrix is top secret. There isn't much that can be said right now.

  • My mom was on welfare and the occasional food stamp, but I have never participated in any of those governmental programs, even the ones that kind of work like education, scholarships and whatever, and I managed to do just fine.

  • Honestly, I've always had difficulty relaxing, unwinding and going to bed - that kind of stuff.

  • Big writers become a kind of shared climate.

  • Is there a short-eared koobish, then?' Mmmyes ...' said J.Lo. 'But it is technically not really a koobish. Is more alike a kind of singing pumpkin.' We had conversations like these all the time, where I just eventually gave up.

  • Kinds hearts are here; yet would the tenderest one Have limits to its mercy; God has none.