John Stuart Mackenzie famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Winning Democracy for the Negro is winning the war for Democracy

  • My critique of democracy begins and ends with this point. Kids must be educated to disrespect authority or else democracy is a farce.

  • As a rule, dictatorships guarantee safe streets and terror of the doorbell. In democracy the streets may be unsafe after dark, but the most likely visitor in the early hours will be the milkman.

  • The university is our culture's assertion that what is made by the mind has value and can convey values.

  • I've benefited from the best of both societies and both cultures, East and West.

  • Darkness is only light's absence.

  • But courage wasn't an absence of fear; it was fighting despite the knot in your stomach.

  • Fond as we are of our loved ones, there comes at times during their absence an unexplained peace.

  • "What is love?"; "The total absence of fear," said the Master; "What is it we fear?"; "Love," said the Master.

  • But restraint is the only one sort of control, and absence of restraint isn't freedom. It's not control that's lacking when one feels 'free', but the objectionable control of force.

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