Lawrence Beesley famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I have been under assault by the liberal media in the United States,

  • We don't have any bad memories of the people of the United States.

  • In the United States of America, unfortunately we still live in a bubble of unreality.

  • I am officially Jewish, but I’m Jewish in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant.

  • The only way to write is well and how you do it is your own damn business.

  • War is not an accident. It is the logical outcome of a certain way of life.

  • The more I compose, the more I know that I don't know it all. I think it's a good way to start. If you think you know it all, the work becomes a repetition of what you've already done.

  • How can we say nobody's perfect if there is no perfect to compare to? Perfection implies that there really is a right and wrong way to be. And what type of perfection is the best type? Moral perfection? Aesthetic? Physiological? Mental?

  • But Ship Who Sang remains my favorite story. I really rocked folks with that and still cannot read it aloud myself without weeping at the end

  • All we had aboard the ship that morning was one Annapolis graduate and three reserves.