John Trumbull famous quotes


  • We may not preach a crucified Saviour without being also crucified men and women. It is not enough to wear an ornamental cross as a pretty decoration. The cross that Paul speaks about was burned into his very flesh, was branded into his being, and only the Holy Spirit can burn the true cross into our innermost life.

  • Ambition often puts Men upon doing the meanest offices; so climbing is performed in the same position with creeping.

  • All true religion, all true morality, all true mysticism have but one object, and that is to act on humanity, collective and individual, in such a manner that it shall correspond efficiently with the great law of development, and co-operate consciously therewith to achieve the end of development.

  • Law is whatever is boldly asserted and plausibly maintained.

  • Law that shocks equity is reason's murderer.

  • The liberty of a people consists in being governed by laws which they have made themselves, under whatsoever form it be of government; the liberty of a private man, in being master of his own time and actions, as far as may consist with the laws of God and of his country.

  • Money has no moral opinions.

  • I have a high self-opinion - I don't need to hide that. I don't need to be self-deprecating.

  • We have to give our opinion, we have to say something, or we are a part of it. As an artist I am forced to say something.

  • It's hard to have that debate around secret programs authorized by secret legal opinions issued by a secret court. Actually, it's impossible to have that debate.