John Mercer Johnson famous quotes


  • Truly creative people care a little about what they have done, and a lot about what they are doing. Their driving focus is the life force that surges in them now.

  • I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

  • Aging is not 'lost youth,' but a new stage of opportunity and strength. It's a different stage of life, and if you are going to pretend it's youth, you are going to miss it. You are going to miss the surprises, the possibilities, and the evolution that we are just beginning to know about because there are no role models, no guideposts, and no signs.

  • The one thing I never get involved with is selecting art or pictures for a client. This is a very personal thing. If the clients have pictures, I will hang them. When they do not own pictures I leave the walls blank.

  • Keep the problems of clients and prospects confidential. Divulge information only with their consent.

  • Don't be afraid to go for positions, jobs or take on clients just outside of your knowledge base. It's when you're uncomfortable that you learn and grow the most.

  • Clients have no trouble paying $5,800 for an hour in a Gulfstream corporate jet or $425 for a month of parking. But God forbid they spend $3 per on a glossy annual report.

  • Everything is discursive opinion instead of direct experience.

  • Freedom rings where opinions clash.

  • You can only accomplish your object in life by complete disregard of the opinions of other people.

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