Carwyn Jones famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I've been called a moron since I was about four. My father called me a moron. My grandfather said I was a moron. And a lot of times when I'm driving, I hear I'm a moron. I like being a moron.

  • We have forty-four defenses for him, but he has forty-five ways to score.

  • The first plane ride was in a homemade glider my buddy and I built. Unfortunately we didn't get more than four feet off the ground, because it crashed.

  • One in four of us will have a mental illness at some point. That is a lot of people.

  • And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness.

  • I, a stranger and afraid, in a world I never made.

  • You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made.

  • Have I not destroyed my enemy when I have made him into my friend?

  • The U.K. really is made up of four nations that never really became one.

  • Everybody knows that the industrialized nations are the worst offenders.

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